- 在本網上購物條款及細則及雙月 Les Lunes à Deux 電子商店特別條款(定義見下)(統稱「本條款及細則」)中,「雙月 Les Lunes à Deux」或「我們」是指雙月 Les Lunes à Deux及相關合作貨運公司(包括『Lalamove』及『順豐速運』)的條款及服務細則業務,而「客戶」或「您」是指任何在我們訂購貨品或服務的個人、機構或公司。請在使用本網頁或我們的應用程式(統稱「電子商店」)之前仔細閱讀本條款及細則。閣下使用電子商店或其中任何部分,即表示同意閣下已閱讀本條款及細則,並且接受和同意受本條款及細則所約束。
- 我們會盡一切努力確保電子商店上所列載的貨品價格、資料和大小均已更新。我們保留權利可更改貨品的價格而不作另行通知。我們可根據存貨供應,全權決定是否接受所有訂購。
- 我們在電子商店上顯示有關產品的所有照片和圖像僅供參考,以幫助您僅識別產品。 產品的實際尺寸,尺寸和顏色可能有所不同。
- 所有網上訂單不接受退款。
- 為致力保障您的個人資料的私隱權利,我們確保在收集、使用、保留、轉移及查閱個人資料方面的政策及常規,均符合香港法例第486章個人資料(私隱)條例的規定。
- 電子商店接受我們所指定的信用卡、扣帳卡或其他指定的電子支付方式付款,所有貨品之價值均以港幣計算。電子商店的貨品價格有可能與我們的實體店鋪有所出入,貨品以訂購當日電子商店或實體店所示之價格為準。
- 所有網上訂購的貨品須由我們全權決定並根據存貨供應而接受。閣下將於收取貨品(於送貨或實體店鋪自取)時收到最終的購物收據以作記錄。
- 顧客必須於訂購貨品以信用卡進行網上交易並付清有關款項。 我們接受的信用卡種類包括 VISA、Mastercard及American Express美國運通用信卡。
- 電子優惠券與電子折價券:我們只接受指定之電子優惠券或電子折價券,並按照相關條款及細則,於電子商店以作換購產品或折扣之用。
- 折後價格將以四捨五入方式調整至最接近之整數。例如折實價為$336.6,收取金額以$337計算。
- 如果有額外的送貨費用,這些費用將在您付款之前另行進行確認。
- 每張訂單購物滿 HK$800或以上,即可享本地免費送貨服務^(只限單一送貨地點)。惠顧低於HK$800,需收送貨費$60。偏遠地區需收取額外運送費用。送貨詳情請參閱下方條款及細則。
- 一般情況下,顧客在雙月電子商店成功確認訂單及選擇送貨日子。逢星期日及公眾假期暫停送貨。亦不排除運送時間會因節日 (例如:聖誕節、農歷新年及復活節) 或訂單過多情況而有所影響。當八號烈風訊號懸掛或黑色暴雨警告生效時,送貨服務時間將會延遲。請注意,所有貨品將盡我們最大能力按計劃交付。
- 我們會按訂單上所選的時段(不能於時段內指定送貨時間)安排送貨,住宅地址派送時間為9:00 - 20:00,工商地址9:00 - 18:00。亦不排除運送時間會因節日 (例如:聖誕節、農歷新年及復活節) 、交通或訂單過多情況而有所影響。當八號烈風訊號懸掛或黑色暴雨警告生效時,送貨服務時間將會延遲。請注意,所有貨品將盡我們最大能力按計劃交付。
- 如果您因在首次約定的送貨預約時失約或因您提供不準確地址而導致您未能收到您購買的產品,我們會就其後的送貨預約向您收取額外送貨費用。
- 所有送貨日期和時間均為預計送貨日期和時間。就您可能因為送貨延誤所可能造成的損失或損害,雙月恕不負任何責任。
- 送貨服務由第三方速遞公司負責,由於疫情關係,送貨時間或可能會有所延誤。 客戶不可以因為送貨延誤而要求賠償或其他方式的補償或懲罰。 發貨是指訂單包裹從貨倉發出,發貨後仍需等待速遞公司收件及安排派送。
- 凡沒有升降機服務之收貨及/或送貨地址,配送服務只限於地下樓層。若該地址在更高之樓層,將收取額外附加費,八層以下每層港元$50。若派件時候客人拒絕到地下收件,該訂單會被視為更改送貨日期,當日更改送貨日期需要另外支付第二次送貨費用。
- 在預定的收件時段內,若配送員到達收貨地址後,客戶未能在五分鐘內收取快件,我們將收取該訂單的百分之五十的運費作為「臨時取消費用」。如有任何爭議,我們保留最終的決定權。
- 送貨服務不適用於離島地區、馬灣、愉景灣、東涌、赤柱、南港島、機場、沙頭角等偏遠地區。若客人送貨地址為偏遠地區,需支付額外運送費用。
雙月 Les Lunes à Deux 保留更改、終止及不時修改有關條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,雙月 Les Lunes à Deux 將保留最後的決定權。
After you have placed the order, it indicates that you have read and understood Terms and Conditions of Online Ordering and agreed to be bound by them.
In these terms and conditions, the "Company" or "we" or mean Les Lunes à Deux and the "Customer" or "you" shall mean any person, firm, company or body which places an order with the Company. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the site. By using the site or any part of it, you agree that you have read these terms and conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them.
• Les Lunes à Deux shall make every effort to ensure that prices, details and sizes of products on this website are up to date. Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders are subject to Company's acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability.
• All images of products are for reference only, Les Lunes à Deux reserves the right to make changes, corrections, cancellation and/or improvements to the products at any time and from time to time without notice, including after confirmation of a transaction.
• All orders are non-refundable.
• Les Lunes à Deux complies with Hong Kong laws including Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in its policy and the ways it collects, uses, stores, discloses, transfers, protects and accesses Data.
• Les Lunes à Deux online store accept designated credit cards for payment. All product prices listed are in HK dollars. Prices are subject to change without prior notice and all orders. The prices charged are those applicable on the day you order.
• All orders are subject to Company's acceptance at its sole discretion and stock availability. A final and conclusive invoice will be presented to the Customer upon delivery.
• Customers are required to pay in full terms with his/her credit cards. Credit cards including VISA, Mastercard and Amercan Express credit cards are accepted at Les Lunes à Deux.
• Discounts can be redeemed with designated coupon codes following its terms and conditions.
• Discounted prices will be rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, the discounted price is $336.6, and the charged amount is calculated based on the discounted price of $337.
• Any extra shipping cost shall be calculated and confirmed before payment.
• Customer needs to pay for delivery fee HK$60 for orders below HK$800. For details of delivery arrangements, please check the terms and conditions below.
• Under most circumstances, customers will be able to choose their desired delivery dates after making a purchase. On Sundays and public holidays, delivery services will be suspended. Delivery time may be affected by festivals (For example, Christmas, Lunar New Year and Easter) or excessive orders. When Typhoon Signal No.8 is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Signal is in effect, delivery time would be postponed. Please note that we try our best to deliver all goods on time.
• We will arrange shipping according to the chosen time-slot on your order (You cannot specify delivery time within the chosen time-slot). Delivery time may be affected by festivals (For example, Christmas, Lunar New Year and Easter) or excessive orders. When Typhoon Signal No.8 is hoisted or Black Rainstorm Signal is in effect, delivery time would be postponed. Please note that we try our best to deliver all goods on time.
• If you missed our delivery during the chosen time-slot or have provided a wrong address that you fail to receive your order, we will (i) reserve the right to charge any extra delivery costs occured for a new delivery arrangement or (ii) arrange self pick-up service at our offline store.
• All delivery dates and time are based on estimation, Les Lunes à Deux will not bear any responsibility for any loss occurred in accordance to possible delivery delays.
• For addresses that does not include elevator services, delivery service is only limited to 1 floor above ground floor. If the address is at a higher floor, we will only provide delivery service for addresses within 8 floors above ground floor. Extra service costs of $50 per floor apply. If customer refuse to pick up at ground floor, the order will considered as change delivery date and there will be extra charge for 2nd delivery.
• At the chosen delivery time-slot, if customers fail to receive the order within five minutes of the courier's arrival, we will charge an extra 50% of your order's delivery fee as "Temporary Cancellation Fee".
• Delivery service is not applicable to areas including Outlying Islands, Ma Wan, Discovery Bay, Tung Chung, Stanley, HK South District, Airport and Sha Tau Kok. There will be extra delivery charge if customer's delivery address located at one of the above areas.
In case of disputes, Les Lunes à Deux reserves the rights of final decision. Les Lunes à Deux reserves the final right to interpret all terms and conditions mentioned above, with or without advance notice.